Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Gods, Same as the Old Gods (D&D 5e)

This write-up is my way of bringing these Greyhawk (or as I think of them, "Third Ed Player's Handbook") deities into my 5th Ed D&D game without telling my players to check Wikipedia.

Boccob, Old God of Magic. An old Yorish god from time immemorial, Boccob is the champion deity of librarians, beardy wizards, and academics. His Temple is well-established and common people are apt to recognize Priests of Boccob as traveling scholars and learned individuals. There are dozens of sects who each pry into their own mysteries.
Domains: Arcana, Knowledge.

Heironeous, Old God of Valor. Twin-brother to Hextor, the god of strife, Heironeous the Arch-Paladin is a god associated with martial prowess, victory in combat, chivalry, law, and masculine virtue. His Temple is old, well-funded, and recognized world-wide, thanks to his prominent place in the Yorish pantheon during the Age of Expansion. Although his popularity has waned somewhat, he remains an iconic god, instantly recognizable by the symbol of the gauntleted fist clutching a lightning bolt.
Domains: Light, War.

Hextor, Old God of Strife. Twin-brother of Heironeous, Hextor  the Anti-Paladin wants the opposite of what Heironeous wants: A world without victory, virtue, chivalry, or glorious combat. Hextor’s perfect world is a violent one where people fear authority, men and women are downtrodden, and no one tells stories about virtue or justice because no one believes in them anymore.  He is depicted as a four-armed knight with four bloody swords – never a shield. Domains: Death, War.

They're not quite the deities described in the old texts, and that's on purpose. Legends change. Dogma shifts. I want these to be something evocative for folks who started playing a while back, but still flavorful and brief, so someone can just look at them and say, "Yeah, this one, I'm gonna roll a cleric of this one."

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